I came across this in my lectio today, and thought it worth sharing.
"Ritual action is always self-engaging and full of risk.
Through our offering gestures we open ourselves to the possibility that we will
be changed forever. We cannot pray to the living God to receive us and our
gifts without the real possibility that God will accept these offerings and
make us and them the Body of Christ. Such is our faith; such is our hope. It is
a risk we take in the belief that whatever we have left behind will be repaid a
hundredfold in this life and the next. Since we do not live our lives all at
once, we come back again and again to Eucharist to offer ourselves and our
gifts in order that bit by bit we may be transformed into the very One we
receive in communion."
C. Vincie, “The Mystical Implications” in A Commentary on
the Order of Mass of The Roman Missal,
Have a nice day.