(Note: There will be no reflection on Wednesday, September 30
Continuing with paragraph 27 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
Continuing with paragraph 27 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
“. . . we are
created by God and for God and God never ceases to draw us to himself.”
Who are the people, the institutions, the circumstances
that have served to draw you closer to God in your life? These are the means by
which God draws you to himself. For me, among other things, it has been the
music of J.S.Bach. For others, it might be a sculpture or other work of art,
something they read, a realization that took place in the depths of their
being. Sometimes it is through great difficulty that a person finally turns
towards God; other times it a moment of happiness and rejoicing that elicits a
prayer of thanksgiving.
The Second Vatican Council (Gaudium et Spes) reminds us that “the invitation to converse with
God is addressed to man as soon as he comes into being.” It also notes that one
“cannot live fully according to the truth unless he freely acknowledges [God’s
love for him] and entrusts himself to his creator.”
That’s a tall order, and, as we know, there are many
people in the world and even in our own neighborhoods who would find those
words hard to accept, or incomprehensible, or even objectionable.
But how about you? Today—this day---this very moment, can
you be in touch with the reality of God’s love for you? Today---this
day---this very moment, are you willing to entrust everything that is
happening in your life to this God who created you and who loves you? Or is
there perhaps some corner of your life or pocket in your thinking that you have
not yet brought under the umbrella of his embrace?
What are you holding back? In that area, or thought, or
circumstance, is there truly any peace in your spirit?
You have been created by God, you exist in order to be in
communion with God, God holds you in existence, and he continually finds people
and means to draw you closer to himself. And, in addition to this, God may actually be using you to draw
other people closer to himself. Wow!
Too wonderful for
me, this knowledge; so far, so high beyond my reach. (Psalm 139:6)