Spirituality for Beginners

Fr. Bede's almost-daily reflections. When it comes to the spiritual life, we're all beginners. I also send these out by email. Contact me at bcamera@anselm.edu. God bless!

Friday, September 29, 2017

The Rosebush

The Rosebush (a reflection on a writing of Hildegard of Bingen)

Hildegard: “I’ll accept the thorns that give off the delicate fragrance of roses. They grew to honor the One who was faithful, and by controlling myself, I’ll give honor to my Lord.”

What are these thorns
that give off a delicate fragrance?

Might they be
the thorns that formed the crown
that Our Savior wore
on the day of His passion?
We know what sweetness came
                from the agony He endured that day.

Might they be
the thorns of our own pain
and agony, or even our mere discomfort
when things don’t go our way?
For when those thorns
are united to His Passion,
all the ill we bear
will in its time become
sweetness and delight,
such as we might already have
tasted during
seasons of grace?

Might they be
the sins that overcome us and baffle us?
We’ve been told that
our sinfulness draws Christ
to us, He Who died for us
“while we were yet sinners.”
He comes to us
and the sweet fragrance of His grace,
delicate as it is,
overwhelms our shame
our discouragement
our frustration
our unworthiness,
and give us the encouragement we need
to set out sights
on the way that leads to His honor.

And you?
What might your thorns be?
And how does your Lord
                turn them into roses?

God bless you! Have a nice weekend.

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