Spirituality for Beginners

Fr. Bede's almost-daily reflections. When it comes to the spiritual life, we're all beginners. I also send these out by email. Contact me at bcamera@anselm.edu. God bless!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

What do you really need?

Thursday, October 12, 2017

In today’s Gospel, (Luke 11: 9-10) Jesus commands us to
1.       ASK
2.       SEEK
3.       KNOCK

and along with each command comes a promise: if we ask, we’ll receive; if we seek, we’ll find; if we knock, it will be opened for us.

Inspired by Jesus’ words, I’m knocking on the gates of heaven because, after all, that is the single most important goal for my entire life; in its light, nothing else matters---certainly not the daily petty concerns of day-to-day life.

What am I seeking? What do I really seek? Is it accomplishment, recognition, affirmation, fame, fortune or something important to do? Well of course, there was a time in my life when I was actively seeking all of those things, but as life has gone on, they’ve become less and less important. So what am I seeking?
To be honest, I think what I’m seeking is to become more and more in touch with my true self; with that part which lies deep within me where I’m in union with the Trinity and abiding in perfect love, a love so powerfully manifest that it will affect my relationships with others, more and more, despite the periodic lapses in charity which make up part of an imperfect human existence.

And with all of that, what shall I ask for? In light of the above, I want to ask for God’s help in removing anything in my life that gets in the way of the goals I’ve identified by seeking and knocking. And so, as I come before God, confessing my ignorance, my lassitude and also my own wounded resistance, like a little child with a hurting boo-boo I want to ask God to take those things out of my life, admitting full well that I am powerless to do anything about them myself. Yes. That is what I ask for. I have specific things in mind, but that’s all a private matter between me and God.

And as for you, I encourage you to consider the commands, to consider where you are in your own life and spiritual development at the moment, and after spending some time in silence and in restful prayer, consider your own answer to these three must basic suggestions made to us by our Savior.

God bless you!

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