Spirituality for Beginners

Fr. Bede's almost-daily reflections. When it comes to the spiritual life, we're all beginners. I also send these out by email. Contact me at bcamera@anselm.edu. God bless!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Observing good deeds

Tuesday/Wednesday June 13-14, 2017
Today’s Gospel: Matthew 5: 13-16

Here’s the last verse: “your light must shine before others, that they may see you good deeds and glorify your Heavenly Father.”

When I pondered this verse, I couldn’t help thinking of a saying attributed to Saint Francis. It goes something like this: “Preach the Gospel at all times. Sometimes use words.”  And isn’t it true that we have learned more from peoples’ example than by anything they may have said to us?

I can’t help thinking of a couple of monks I know. One, who I’d like to propose for sainthood, is an example of walking, living, love. His life is totally devoted to doing good things for other people in practical, simple and humble ways.

I think of another of my confreres who cooks wonderful meals for us, and who often spends time advising and helping those of us who aren’t as gifted in the kitchen as he is.

And one last example: someone who consistently goes out of his way to welcome people to the church, to get acquainted with them, and who always has a smile for someone he has met even briefly long ago.

And then there are those of us who perhaps aren’t as noticeable, but who spend their time doing secret hidden things that need to get done, often without ever being thanked.

I looked around the church during Mass this past weekend (I should be ashamed of myself) and was inspired by some of the people I saw. One set of parents whose entire time was taken up by tending to their two beautiful little girls—very restless little girls---and who managed despite it all to take much food for thought away from the homily and some of the prayers. How do I know this? Because I could see it written on their faces during those few brief moments when they weren’t tending to their daughters. What extraordinary patience they had!

And I saw the father of a little boy with Downs Syndrome. He never stopped, even for a brief instant, showering his son with love. As you probably know, children with Downs Syndrome tend to be very affectionate, and this lad certainly was. And his father matched him, affection for affection and by watching the two of them I learned some things about prayer that I had never realized before.

Good deeds. Jesus places the emphasis on good deeds today. And so I ask myself, what have I done today? What unspoken messages have I been broadcasting? What might I want to reevaluate in light of all the good I see around me this day?

How about you?

God bless you!

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