Spirituality for Beginners

Fr. Bede's almost-daily reflections. When it comes to the spiritual life, we're all beginners. I also send these out by email. Contact me at bcamera@anselm.edu. God bless!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Study your face

A Meditation on the face

Note: This reflection is somewhat different and is inspired by a book called “Buddha’s Brain,” which deals with some of the latest research on brain chemistry and how it can be applied to meditation, among other things.

You need a mirror for this meditation if you’re going to make it truly “interactive.” Here goes:

                You are a marvelously unique and complex human being. Look in the mirror at your face: your eyes are yours, your nose is yours, as is your mouth and your lips, your cheeks and your jaw. Look at your face? Is there any sadness or tension showing there? If so, ask God to touch it and to touch whatever it is in your life and in you that is at the root of that sadness or tension.

                Smile: Look at it. Does the smile come naturally to you or does it take conscious effort? When your face it totally relaxed, is it smiling or frowning? Is there anything you would like to have changed about that? Ask for it.

                Touch your lips. All around. Some believe that touching your lips sets off some good connections in your brain and can even affect your feelings and emotions.

                Close your eyes and breathe and smile. For as long as you want. Good.

                What would it be like if you smiled more often? What memory or thought brings a natural smile to your face? Dwell on those things when you sense your mind going to a dark place. Try this as a remedy to the darkness. And to give it even more power, touch your lips like you did before.

                One last thing before we conclude this reflection: Once again look into a mirror while you smile. Does the smile reach your eyes? It’s wonderful when that happens. If it doesn’t happen for you (like for most people these days,) ask God to rearrange things in your life so that you can smile with your eyes more often.

                By the way: People say you’re more beautiful when you’re smiling. Share more of that beauty with the world. It needs it. . . . Have a nice day!

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