Spirituality for Beginners

Fr. Bede's almost-daily reflections. When it comes to the spiritual life, we're all beginners. I also send these out by email. Contact me at bcamera@anselm.edu. God bless!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

A simple thought, while I'm away

I will be away for several days and will not have access to a computer. The next Reflection will be on October 9. Please keep me in your prayers.

Over these days, I’d like to leave you with one simple notion for your reflection. A simple notion, yet one which, if given proper attention, is a wide and wonderful as the entire universe.

That notion is this: God is with you, all the time.

That’s all, and it certainly is enough. In fact, if you give it its due, it is not only enough, but it is everything.

God is with us, all the time.

And yet, how easily we can forget it, or overlook it, or even turn our backs on it, especially if we are doing, thinking or acting in a way which we’d rather He not see. And yet, He’s there.

At all times and in all places, you are within his embrace and you are in touch with the author of everything—as Saint Paul says, in whom we live, and move, and have our being.

All it takes is one simply breath—in fact, less than that. All it takes is one simple inhalation, and during that time, you can re-establish a contact which has lost its freshness and its reality.

Take that breath. Often. When you inhale, think of God breathing the breath of life into you at the moment of your birth, a breath which will never leave you until the day you pass from this life to the other side.

Close your eyes. Smile just a bit. And inhale.

God is with you, all the time.

Have a nice week.

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