Spirituality for Beginners

Fr. Bede's almost-daily reflections. When it comes to the spiritual life, we're all beginners. I also send these out by email. Contact me at bcamera@anselm.edu. God bless!

Friday, October 9, 2015

The Critic has been thrown down

(The next reflection will be on Sunday.)

When I used to teach a course called Creativity, one of the things we did in class was begin to become more aware of something that many of us live with on a daily basis: the existence of a voice inside of us that I call the Critic.

The things that the Critic has to say are like a broken record that says “what you’ve done isn’t good enough,” “you’re not working hard enough,” “you aren’t going to successful if you try . . . “ “what will others think of you . . . “ and so on.

There is a spiritual dimension to what the Critic offers as well: “You’re not close enough to God, you don’t pray enough, you aren’t worthy of God’s gifts and graces.” The last example is true—we are not worthy, but God makes us worthy. That’s what grace is all about.

There is a wonderful verse in the Book of Revelation that provides both help and hope when we are dealing with onslaughts of the Critic. Revelation 12:10:

Now have salvation and power come,
and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Anointed.
For the accuser or our brothers has been cast down,
who accuses them day and night before our God.

Whatever the accusation, whether it be for real incidents of sinfulness, or it be the subtle insidious ways the Critic tries to get under of our skin, it is silenced, and, through the grace of the Cross of Jesus, the accusations have been swept away.

Remember this verse when the Critic or the accuser tries to get to you.

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