Spirituality for Beginners

Fr. Bede's almost-daily reflections. When it comes to the spiritual life, we're all beginners. I also send these out by email. Contact me at bcamera@anselm.edu. God bless!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The peace the world cannot give

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27-28

The peace that Jesus bestows on us is independent of anything that is happening around us, no matter how great the storms that may be raging, no matter what interior battles we may be enduring, no matter what others may be doing to us. How do we find that peace? By breathing deeply, dispelling outer thoughts and troubles, and locating that place deep within us where we abide with Jesus alone, and then rest in the peace we find there. This takes practice, which is why silent prayer and meditation are so important. It also takes grace that comes from outside us, so we much continually ask for that grace.

If we can rest in that peace that Jesus gives us, even if only for a brief amount of time, it will strengthen us to face whatever may be going on in our lives or in our world. These days I pray especially for all those who are currently being persecuted for their faith, that they may receive the grace to rest in that peace.

If you remember, Job was a man who had to endure many terrible things in his life. And yet, commenting on the book of Job, Pope Saint Gregory the Great had this to say:

“Amid the tumult of outward cares, inwardly a great peace and calm is reigning, in love.” Commentary on the Book of Job, 18, 43, 70. In Clément, p. 270.

Pope St. Gregory was reigning at a time when Rome was being attacked by Mongol warriors, so his comment on Job was meant as much for him as for anyone else.

Finally, notice that this peace is not provided by the world, or by attachment to anything that is of the world. We cannot gain this peace by going about our wordly pursuits, or by clinging to any of the deadly sins. Consumerism does not lead to this peace; discord, rivalry, judgmentalness or greed rob us of this peace. Breathe deeply and strip yourself of any outward attachments, and rest in that realm within you where there is nothing but you and Christ, and hear Him speak those words to you that he spoke to the apostles at a time when their own worlds were about to be disrupted and overturned.

May that peace be with you today.

God bless you!

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