Spirituality for Beginners

Fr. Bede's almost-daily reflections. When it comes to the spiritual life, we're all beginners. I also send these out by email. Contact me at bcamera@anselm.edu. God bless!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Churches and Communities

Thursday, October 13, 2016
Random thoughts continue:

                We don't labor to build our churches and beautify our liturgy because we wish to erect monuments to our own glory.  We build them because we need places of safety, apart from the world, where we can be immersed in the beauty and the purity which we  long for, so that we can be cleansed and healed before being sent back into the world.   

Every time I enter a beautiful church I have an opportunity to make a journey: A journey into beauty. A cleansing. A restoration. A renewal. A rediscovery of the beauty of things that ordinary life often tends to disregard or devalue. You see that very often with people who walk into a church and have no ability to savor. So often they walk through, demonstrating that they also have no sense of the sacred, no openness to beauty, no ability to perceive that where they are is in some essential and mystical way so different than the malls they hurry through several times a week. This is so sad. They are so impoverished.

I think that's why it feels so good to come to church for Mass: Because the minute we walk through those doors, there is no need to hide the truth: We walk through the doors of this Church, every single time, carrying the grime, the guilt, the shame, the wounds of our own sins. And it is assumed that such is the case. But at the same time we realize that we have the opportunity to leave somehow changed. 

Colossians 3:12
“Because you are God's chosen ones, holy and beloved.” Holy and beloved. If we could only think of ourselves that way. If we could only think of others that way, especially those we find it most difficult to love. 

                It might be important to note that Thomas only met the Risen Lord when he was together with his community

You are part of a flock. You were never meant to make your way alone. That is why regular worship and active membership in your faith community is essential to your existence. 

God sends people into your life to help accomplish his purpose in you. So stop thinking you have to do it all on your own. 

There are certain gifts from God that we cannot receive if we do not pray together. And there are also certain gifts of God that simply cannot touch us, that simply are not accessible to us if we are not part of the distribution system through which they are passed along from one to another. Parents who bring their children to church, who take an active role in their children's' religious education--those parents receive grace, and help and insight--and also learn more about their own inheritance, their own faith--for there is no better way to learn than to teach. Those who sing at worship have holy texts and words engraved on their souls, and carry those words with them throughout their lives. Those who practice holy Stewardship find themselves touched by graces that they never realized could be theirs back when the weekly offering was simply a token minimum. Those who serve in the ministries find out just how rich their inheritance is meant to be. Those who preach draw closer to the scriptures. Those who study draw closer to God and to one another. Those who distribute food and care to the needy realize just how rich they really are. Those who give of time, treasures, talents, find those things increased in their own lives. Those who begin to come to their church more frequently for prayer find that the times of prayer become the richest times of their lives.

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