Spirituality for Beginners

Fr. Bede's almost-daily reflections. When it comes to the spiritual life, we're all beginners. I also send these out by email. Contact me at bcamera@anselm.edu. God bless!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Random Thoughts (Abandonment to Aliveness)

Monday, October 10, 2016
Here are some random thoughts from a collection I’m working on.

Because of my own sin, I have cut myself off from Him, and then I accuse Him of abandoning me.  
Hell hates goodness. It sneers at it. It lashes out at it. It tears children from their mothers' wombs and then convinces the lawmakers to call it legal. Who knows how many potential Mother Theresa's we have lost, and how hell has rejoiced to see their light extinguished? 

Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve's sin was that after they listened to the serpent, they made their decision without ever going back to God to get His side of the story.  

The new valued more highly than a lifelong matrix of relationships and responsibilities.  

“I am the Lord your God. Have no other gods before me.”   What happens to our lives when our chief sources of motivation, satisfaction and delight are things that are toxic to our souls? That is what addiction is about, and addiction is a spiritual sickness that needs to be treated by spiritual means.  

The time when our prowess has run its course, a time when our strength is on the wane, strength that was never really ours but only lent to us for a moment for the good of others, the time when we can feel the pain of not being able to do what once came to us so easily. The sages tell us that what we need to learn to do to prepare for such times is to exercise our strength without over-identifying with it. And then to let go. We are also warned by the sages that if we fail to learn this lesson, we risk becoming bitter old people, cursing life, cursing faith, because we placed all our self-worth in our own abilities rather than in who we are. 

Jesus tells Peter of the nature of his death: When you are older you will be tied fast and carried off against your will.  Many of us, as we grow older, begin to see this as a prediction of our own deaths, because to a great extent the process of again carries with it a gradual loss of freedom. Pray we remember that, when our time comes.  

When I give without strings, when I serve without seeking praise or recompense, when I let God use me and delight in watching his power at work, when I decrease and see Him increase, when my focus is on his goodness rather than on my own iniquity, when I listen to the other and not to my own mind’s infernal chatter, it is then that I am most alive, most energetic, most truly myself.

When I live out the words, “He who loses himself for my sake will save it--will discover who he is”--then I have learned that the most real way of living is to live in the truth of the challenge.   

Some more next time.

God bless you!

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