Spirituality for Beginners

Fr. Bede's almost-daily reflections. When it comes to the spiritual life, we're all beginners. I also send these out by email. Contact me at bcamera@anselm.edu. God bless!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Who's out of who's mind?

From today's Gospel at Mass:
His (Jesus) family tried to seize him to take him away, because they said "he is out of his mind." (Mark 3, 21)

So many great thinkers and teachers, inventors and artists and individuals who try to lead us to a new way of seeing the world are scorned, ridiculed, even condemned by the Church. Creativity takes courage because it often brings us rejection and ridicule.

So they say,  "He is out of his mind."
I would answer: "No: he is out of your mind. What he says or does is so much larger than what you can wrap your mind around and that is why it makes you uncomfortable, and why you would like to remove him from the picture."

There is an implicit assumption at work here: If it can fit within the small area of your mind with all its limitations and lack of understanding, then it is nonsense or craziness. But could it be possible that the one you reject or scorn is inviting you to expand your mind, to accommodate what you never would have accepted or understood  in the past?"

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