Spirituality for Beginners

Fr. Bede's almost-daily reflections. When it comes to the spiritual life, we're all beginners. I also send these out by email. Contact me at bcamera@anselm.edu. God bless!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

A divine invitation

“Come away to a quiet place and rest a while.”

--said Jesus to his apostles in the Gospel for Sunday 16B.

I suggest you consider this as an invitation to prayer.  

“Come away, “ he says. Leave your activities, your thoughts about your life, your concerns, your issues and your preoccupations behind, even if only for “a while.” Give yourself a time to rest, maybe for the length of just a few deep breaths where you focus on nothing other than your breathing. If you can take longer, so much the better, but take what you can. And if there is noise around you and you have trouble getting to “a quiet place,” breathe more deeply and move deep down inside where there is calm and silence beneath all the noise.

Getting away, quiet, and restful times. These three are not luxuries, they are necessities for us. What might happen to your spirit if you were to give them a greater priority? How much more good will you be able to do for others if you take the time you need to refresh your batteries? Now,  before you leave this page, close your eyes and take three deep breaths. And then go back into the fray.

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