Spirituality for Beginners

Fr. Bede's almost-daily reflections. When it comes to the spiritual life, we're all beginners. I also send these out by email. Contact me at bcamera@anselm.edu. God bless!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

We are all connected.

We continue with our discussion of the signs that one is having a spiritual awakening.
(See January 3 post for the complete list.) Today’s item:

Feelings of being connected with others and nature.

I think it does us some good to think of just how disconnected we are. To the extent that we are disconnected, we are impoverished, deprived, wounded, numb and unaware. Some questions for consideration:

·         Are we sometimes prone to think of others in terms of US and THEM? Or even ME and NOT-ME?
·         How sensitive are we willing to be to the plight of those who are suffering in this troubled world?
·         Do we carry around a list of resentments or bitterness that keeps us shut off from others and from the world? Are there people we find it hard to forgive, or even simply hard to put up with?
·         Do we take nature for granted? Or even the objects in our homes that we use on a frequent basis? (Saint Benedict taught that all the tools in the monastery should be treated as sacred vessels of the altar.)
·         To what extent are we willing to be aware that everything that exists was created through Jesus Christ?
·         Can you look others, even those you find it hard to like,and think “God loves you and wants you to make it heaven”?
·         Are you aware of any tendencies you have to build up walls around yourself, or to hide in a prison of dungeon of your own making?
·         Do you ever take time to give thanks for the beauty of the world that was created through Jesus for your delight?

Here are two types of prayers and meditation that will help extend your connection to the world around you:
1. Start by thinking of someone you love and pray that they be blessed with joy, peace and healing. then think the same of someone you dislike just a little bit. Then, apply it to someone you actively dislike. Do this as many times as you can with as many different people in your life. Then move on and pray for all those in your neighborhood in the same way. Then extend it to your town or city. Then extend it to your country, then the continent, then the hemisphere, then the whole world

2. Recite the “prayer of the three young men”  (Daniel 3:52-90). This prayer is usually prayed at morning prayer on Sundays and Feast Days. It is a great way to help you become more conscious and connected with the whole of creation.

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