Spirituality for Beginners

Fr. Bede's almost-daily reflections. When it comes to the spiritual life, we're all beginners. I also send these out by email. Contact me at bcamera@anselm.edu. God bless!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Corpus Christi 2016

Corpus Christi 2016   ---The Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ

It was during those quiet moments at Mass after we had all received communion and were back at our seats that it happened. As I sat there one day, I could see “with the eyes of my heart” how strongly Christ was present with us, and with us, and most importantly, in us, because we had all tasted of the Eucharistic Banquet and were now at what for us would probably be the most holy moment of our week.

And I was overwhelmed by the realization that we were all united, all linked in Christ, all of us there in that church who had received the Gift that cost Jesus Christ so much to give.

And then beyond that, I thought of all the people across the world who had received that gift and how we, too, were united in Him. And beyond that I thought of all the people from the beginning at the Last Supper who had also received the gift, and how we, too, were united in Him.

And beyond that, coming back to the local church where I was seated, I sensed that we all were carrying some sort of burden, some particular set of issues, some struggles, some sorrows, some failures as well and how none of that mattered in the presence of Christ.

And I prayed that in some small way at least, I would be able to act in light of the fact that were were all related, all linked, all Christ-bearers. It would be a challenge. It has always been a challenge.

And that is OK. Because challenges are the very essence of the spiritual journey, and we are never challenged to act on our own as if we were not connected to the Banquet and as if we did not carry Him within us.

And I made a good thanksgiving that day.

God bless you!

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