Spirituality for Beginners

Fr. Bede's almost-daily reflections. When it comes to the spiritual life, we're all beginners. I also send these out by email. Contact me at bcamera@anselm.edu. God bless!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

So what's new?

I spoke to a friend last night. It’s been quite a while since we’ve been in contact with one another.
“What’s new?” he asked. I stumbled about looking for an answer.

Lately, I’m at a loss for words when I’m asked that question. Maybe it’s because I am retired now, but I wouldn’t want to give the impression that I’m sitting around in my room waiting for Jesus to come and get me, to “relieve my soul from this prison.” (Psalm 142:7). That now that I’m not doing anything BIG and IMPORTANT and MEANINGFUL in the college, I’m just a poor old geezer, with nothing but time to burn, facing one boring day after the other. Of course, none of this is true. My life is rich and I’m at peace and content and relatively stress-free. Thanks be to God.

And do you know what else? The truth is that on the deepest level, everything in my life is new all the time. The Psalms I prayed today were new and spoke to me in new ways. The Gospel passage had a meaning for me that I had not noticed before. I enjoyed the sight of new budding on bushes and trees all around me as I drove downtown for a doctor’s appointment, and the sight was glorious. Due to my reading and my prayer, I’ve gained new insights into a couple of issues and questions that have been on my mind for a while now. I had a lovely conversation with a confrère about some things he’s been reading on the topic of spirituality—and he gave me some names I haven’t been aware of. I’m learning some new music to play before Vespers tonight. As usual, I’ve become more aware of areas of sinfulness in my life---nothing really serious, but definitely something to add meaning to my Jesus Prayer during meditation: Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner. That prayer, in fact, is new every time I say it, which can be many many times on some days. 

So now I’m wondering if this is all a part of the “newness of life” that Saint Paul speaks about. (Rom 6:4)

And I don’t have to go out looking for new things. They come to me when I am awake, alert and aware. Here’s something that I just became aware of: there is only one letter difference between the words meditation and medication. Hmmmmmmm. 

But when my friend asked me “What’s new?” I had nothing to answer. How could I possibly explain any of the things I listed for you with someone who is not interested in walking a spiritual journey. I remember when my kid brother first drove me to the monastery and spent a night here. The next morning he whispered to me, “This could get to be boring!” Well, I’m waiting. Here 33 years. Haven’t been bored yet, except for some classes I had to take in the seminary, and one or two homilies along the way. But all that was momentary.

Anyway, thanks for attempting to understand what I’m talking about today. And take a look around your own life, and ask “what’s new?” The answers you may give to that question might give you an indication as to where you stand in your own journey. And if you happen to be doing important, exciting, and wonderful things out there, well, good for you. Enjoy it while it lasts. Been there, done that. Got the t-shirt, but it doesn’t fit me any more.

God bless you

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